Emily Hwang Beauty

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5 ways to attract clients during a recession and keep calm

Don’t worry or panic. Worrying does not do anything. Plan and be prepared. Constantly being in a state of stress causes your cortisol levels to go up. Elevated levels of the hormone cortisol is also one’s risk of developing depression and mental illness. Cortisol is released in response to fear or stress by the adrenal glands as part of the fight-or-flight mechanism. Chronic stress and fear disrupts sleep which is needed to feel calm and make proper decisions. Breathe, calm down, and refocus.

Fear and anxiety is a normal human trait. The fear of the unknown can be scary, but instead of succumbing to this thought process I am inviting you to manage these thoughts. Do not be scared, be prepared! Always remember this! Fear is an unknown, but please unpack for yourself what the real meaning of your fear is. Fear is something in the future that you cannot predict. Stress is not accepting the situation. Once you can make an radical acceptance of the current situation you can plan your next BEST move. Your self-worth and peace of mind is worth it.

For those that don’t have the ability to work virtually, you may be experiencing an increase in rescheduled appointments. I am sharing ways to be resourceful and adapt to changing times.

1. Offer gift certificate sales. Buy more save more for. For every $100 purchased you get $20 back for a future service.

2. Do a giveaway for a service, a code to use later, or a contest to win a gift card to attract potential clients (if you need ideas email me! Let’s get creative and innovative!)

3. Focus your attention on learning a new skill. Redirect your energy. Read a book or listen to to a podcast that will help with your mindset and set you up for mental calmness. Here are some of my favorite books that I have read and some podcasts I frequently listen to.

  • “You are a badass” - Jen Sincero

  • “Everything is figureoutable” Marie Forleo

  • “SuperSoul” Podcast by Oprah

  • “On Purpose” Podcast by Jay Shetty

  • “School of Greatness” Podcast by Lewis Howes

4. Do not let the media bombard your brain!! Stay off Social Media and stop reading the news every second. Be aware and updated on current situation, but stay away from live updates. It is important to stay informed, but toxic to have a constant stream of fear and scarcity.

5. Use this time wisely. Do that one thing you have always wanted to do! Start making more videos, create content you are passionate about or even develop a new skill. Draw, cook, paint, organize, clean..etc

Final thought, then I will be off my soap box. You are not your thoughts. This might sound outlandish, but maybe you should be unpacking what you are really afraid of. Perhaps you can uncover something that you could not have experienced before. When external chaos ensues work on your internal health. Keep Calm and Carry On. You are the boss of your thoughts.