See what I did there with my title?? Lol…Well since I am considered as a non-essential business I have been practicing social distancing since March 18th. I hope everyone is staying healthy and are able to work from home! I know I am really excited to be back at the studio, however for now since I am at home I will be focusing on my content, blogging and just creating! I miss the art of makeup! Now I have so much time to work on all the things I didn’t have time for. So if you guys have any requests for post let me know! Like How-tos, my favorites, skin and makeup questions…..etc let a sista know!!
Well get ready to go to your living room or kitchen!!! LOL You can still look and feel good while working from home!
These magnetic lashes I bought to try. I got them from Glamnetic these are call “Lucky” these are too long for me (I think) I ended up buying more natural ones that are coming in soon!
With out further ado the list of all the products I used for this look plus different kinds that are similar for different budgets! Also I tried magnetic lashes for the first time! I saved the highlights on my Instagram but here is the link.
Here is the link Magnetic Lashes Try-On
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Thank you so much for supporting me, my dreams, my vision and my work!! My purpose has always been the same, to share my passion and knowledge for all things skin and makeup! See you on my next post!